Be made new in the attitude of your mind.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Learn to wait on God, even when life seems unfair.
Why is this so hard for me? Why is it so hard for all of us?
We don't have the option as to whether or not we want to wait.
Because it's all up to God. God is in control of every aspect of our very
being, whether we choose to accept that as fact or not. He has perfect
timing for all things, which makes me feel just a tad bit better over just
about everything going on in my life. Although I say I know He's in control,
I tend to neglect that fact more than just often. In fact, its practically all
the time. For me, I worry and fret over so much, its bordering ridiculous.
Take today for example: I have to drive myself home from Morristown at
night in a thunderstorm. Not such a big deal.. aside from the fact that
driving on the highway makes me extremely nervous! My panic level had
seemingly sky-rocketed by the time I turned the ignition on in the car.
Point being, I wasn't concerned with God at all in that moment. I was focused
on plainly keeping my life safe on my excursion home. But it did hit me, because
after turning the car on, I realized that my safety was, yes, up partially to my
driving skill(z), but it was also in the hands of God. He is in control. simple.
I kind of realize after writing all this that it probably was not the best
example of "waiting" on God.. but it does show that our lives are not ours, and
most of us (myself included) need to just give our worries to Him. Why worry
so much about what's to happen, when we really have no control over it? God
will let you know what's going to happen when it does.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
rainy days
Those days where you can sit and listen to the rain with a cup of tea 
in your hands are the best.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I sat there listening to a message in youth group about what it's like to actually hear God.. and how sometimes He speaks to you not as just some loud voice in your head, but rather through experiences or encounters with things. I couldn't help but think of the time in Baltimore when I sat on the dock and watched the sun set over the water.. how could such beauty be created from nothing? Truth is, it can't. It's really all God. He created it for my enjoyment.. and that is
so awesome!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Don't be afraid
Sunday, July 12, 2009
First Entry!
How exhilirating... the first entry!
I'm not sure where to begin..
So many things have consumed my mind lately, I figured
a blog is the best way to release all the cooped up thoughts
that have been flooding my brain.
I just got back from Baltimore on a mission trip with my church.
It was extravagantly fantastic, in that we were able to impact people
down there in ways I suppose only God knew was possible.
Although the housing was not luxury.. tiled floors of a church with a
dinky blanket at night to keep warm, I reflect back on it and think to
myself that, if I were given the chance to continue work down in Baltimore
for longer than this past allotted week, I would sleep on that hard floor
every single night if I had to.
Something that happens to me after seemingly each missions trip I go
on is when at the end of the trip I find myself on the free day, unable to
laugh like I usually do, or even talk that much. What I do find myself doing
is having a silent debate with God as to why I should be allowed to have
any sort of fun or freedom when the place I just left is still suppressed by
brokenness and pain? What I've come to realize is that God has blessed me
with a desire to serve the world.. and that it's alright for me to have fun
sometimes and experience things after a time of hard work. I'm assured that
God won't hate me for "resting" on the final day. After all, He did the same.
I'm not sure where to begin..
So many things have consumed my mind lately, I figured
a blog is the best way to release all the cooped up thoughts
that have been flooding my brain.
I just got back from Baltimore on a mission trip with my church.
It was extravagantly fantastic, in that we were able to impact people
down there in ways I suppose only God knew was possible.
Although the housing was not luxury.. tiled floors of a church with a
dinky blanket at night to keep warm, I reflect back on it and think to
myself that, if I were given the chance to continue work down in Baltimore
for longer than this past allotted week, I would sleep on that hard floor
every single night if I had to.
Something that happens to me after seemingly each missions trip I go
on is when at the end of the trip I find myself on the free day, unable to
laugh like I usually do, or even talk that much. What I do find myself doing
is having a silent debate with God as to why I should be allowed to have
any sort of fun or freedom when the place I just left is still suppressed by
brokenness and pain? What I've come to realize is that God has blessed me
with a desire to serve the world.. and that it's alright for me to have fun
sometimes and experience things after a time of hard work. I'm assured that
God won't hate me for "resting" on the final day. After all, He did the same.
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