Showing posts with label passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passion. Show all posts

Saturday, October 17, 2009


My brain has been stretched farther than ever before.
To think creatively in such a way that any creation of mine will stand out among others, that will pop out, say something, catch the eye of onlookers. To think like this and work quickly.
For the first time in my life- I'm being asked (for a grade) to do what I love.
a n d i t i s w o n d e r f u l .

Some may chose to have stress override original and innocent passion- believe it, it's happened to me. Where the question "why the heck am I even doing this" dominates your thinking. You can't get past how annoying or tedious your task is.

but try looking at the bigger picture. you're doing this because it is what you love. and if it's what you love, why not go ahead and fully captivate yourself with it. learn every detail there is to know about it.

Don't loose sight of that original passion. hold on to it, because it's gonna be a long ride, my friends. and that passion may be the only thing that'll carry you through.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Passion: the opposite of apathy.

a day of slight self-evaluation-

I tend to be on the insane side when it comes to running.
Not that I overdo workouts, but its crucial that every day
I get my run in, or else I better give myself a darn good excuse
as to why it's not possible to run that day.

I take my camera with me everywhere. It's a love relationship
I have with an inanimate object.. and our love shall never die.
photography is transitioning from hobby to obsession.

I love my dogs and all animals with every ounce of compassion
thats bottled up inside me. Every time I see them my heart melts
into a squishy ball of fluff and the 'baby talk' flows from my lips like
I'm under some sort of spell. It may be weird, but I really love my dogs. a lot.

Its safe to assume that I love many things.. and its all made possible
because it's backed by passion. Without passion, there'd be only apathy.

and having just apathy would be totally lame.